This article focuses on the core fundamentals of weightlifting: How promote muscle growth and avoid "over-training".
Whether you are a beginner or an elite athlete, you must keep these fundamentals in mind if you want to exper . . .

This article provides the basic framework for any successful fitness routine that involves strength training. Use these principles to make your fitness program successful, and to optimize your time in the gym.
Fitness principles are listed i . . .

This article provides simple tips to help you develop skinny legs, thin arms, and a big gut. This look is popularly known as 'The Beer Belly'!
Follow these guidelines diligently and patiently, and you should see results within . . .

I came down with the Delta Variant in late August, 2021.
On September 4th, my O2 levels dipped below 90%, so I checked into a hospital - That's when my problems really began. Not knowing anything at the time, I allowed the h . . .

Hype diets and un-healthy gimmicks are a multi-billion dollar industry! Most (purveyors of miss-information about fitness) promise quick fixes and easy solutions. Weight-Loss principals are easy enough, and there's no need to buy over-priced d . . .